Web Container
Version compatibility
Web support is compatible with runtime versions 4.72.0 and later.
Only the latest stable version of Google Chrome on Windows, Linux or MacOS is currently supported.
Feature Support
Some features have not been implemented yet, and some features cannot be supported in a web browser.
Enrollment via link
Deep linking
Customize login screen
Partially supported
Custom domain names
Limited support
Based on what the browser is able to provide.
Not supported yet
Not supported yet
Offline support
Not supported yet
Other browsers
Not supported yet
Support for Safari, Firefox and the new Edge may be added in the future.
Database Encryption
Not supported
Not feasible on web.
Not supported
Not supported yet.
Not supported
Not supported yet.
Not supported
Can the same application be opened in multiple tabs?
Where will users access the app?
By default you will get a domain name such as your-app.onjourneyapps.com
For custom domain names:
Configure the DNS record for the domain as
CNAME web-container-router.journeyapps.com
.Contact JourneyApps Support to configure the web container with the custom domain.
A certificate will be provisioned automatically for the domain using Let's Encrypt.
Getting Access
Contact JourneyApps Support to request web access for an app. If you'd like to specify the web container's favicon, please include a 64x64 px .png file of the icon.
Custom Web Container Favicon
Version compatibility
Support for customizing the favicon of the Web container was added in version 4.86.1 of the JourneyApps Runtime and version 22.9.4 of the JourneyApps Container.
By default, the JourneyApps logo is displayed as the web container favicon:
This icon can be customized, by providing a 64x64 px png file of the icon when requesting a Web Container.
Once a user enrolls in an app in this container, the JourneyApps Runtime dictates which favicon is being displayed:
For apps using JourneyApps Runtime version 4.86.1 (or greater), the Runtime will load the app-level favicon as follows:
If no custom container- or app-level favicon is specified, the standard JourneyApps logo will be displayed as per the screenshots above.
If only a container favicon is specified, that favicon will be displayed.
If an app-level favicon is specified (see the section below), that icon will be displayed.
All apps running with a Runtime version lower than 4.86.1 will display the standard JourneyApps logo as the favicon.
Configure app-level favicon
You can specify an app-level favicon (and thereby override the container-level favicon) using OXIDE.
Step 2:
Open up the config.json
file in OXIDE, and add a line the references the icon as follows:
Step 3: Deploy!
Last updated