

The dialog UI component appears as a blocking overlay that provides information or confirms destructive behavior. They often prompt users to make a decision.

Version compatibility

dialog was introduced in version 4.58.0 of the JourneyApps Runtime.

This dialog component is generated from the view's XML. For dialogs triggered from JavaScript/TypeScript, see the journey.dialog documentation.

Known limitation

A dialog can currently not be shown upon entering a view (e.g. by calling it from the init() or resume() function).

dialog use cases

There are 3 main use cases for dialog. These are described in more detail below.

  1. Simple dialogs

  2. Confirmation dialogs

  3. Composition dialogs


A simple dialog displays information to the user and does not require the user to make a decision, thus can be dismissed by selecting the primary button, hitting the Esc key or back button.


Use simple dialogs sparingly as they are interruptive. Rather, less obtrusive notifications can be used.


<dialog id="success-dialog" title="Success" subtext="You have been successfully enrolled."/>
function onEnrollment() {
    component.dialog({id: "success-dialog"}).show();


A confirmation dialog gives the user the ability to provide final confirmation of a decision before committing to it. If the user confirms a choice, it’s carried out. Otherwise, the user can dismiss the dialog by selecting the secondary button.


<dialog id="reset-settings" title="Reset settings?" submit-text="Reset"
        subtext="Would you like to reset your app to its default settings"
        on-submit="$:resetSettings(true)" on-cancel="$:resetSettings(false)"/>
function showResetSettings() {
    component.dialog({id: "reset-settings"}).show();

function resetSettings(ok){
    if (ok) {
        // Logic here
    } else {
        // Other logic here


A composition dialogs allows developers to embed other UI components inside it, therefore offering a wide range of input options.

To embed a UI component to the dialog, add it inside a body tag. Refer to the syntax for more detail.


<!-- XML -->
<dialog id="dialog-input" title="Stock: {$:getStockTitle()}">
        <text-input label="Capture stock Qty" bind="stock" required="true" />
        <button label="Cancel" color="negative" on-press="$:onCancel()" validate="false"/>
        <button label="Save" on-press="$:onSubmit()" validate="true"/>
// JS
function getStockTitle(){
    return view.cur_item.name;

function onCancel() {
    // Logic for when the user selects Cancel

function onSubmit() {
    // Logic for when the user selects Save

Standard Attributes



<dialog id="task-complete" title="Task complete" />

The id attribute is required to target a particular dialog to call show() or hide() on it.

<dialog id="task-complete" title="Task complete"/>
function onTaskComplete() {
    component.dialog({id: "task-complete"}).show();

function onTaskUploadFail() {
    component.dialog({id: "task-complete"}).hide();

See also:




Type: string (static text, a format string or the return value of a JS/TS function)

Default: unset

<dialog id="login-dialog" title="Login successful"/>

A dialog's title communicates its purpose to the user.

Titles should:

  • Contain a brief, clear statement or question

  • Summarize the dialog's content

  • Avoid the following:

    • apologies (“Sorry for the interruption”)

    • alarm (“Warning!”)

    • ambiguity (“Are you sure?”)

<dialog id="task-complete" title="Task complete" />
function onTaskComplete() {
    component.dialog({id: "task-complete"}).show();

Advanced Attributes



Type: boolean

Default: true

<dialog id="discard-dialog" title="Unsaved changes"
subtext="You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to discard?" auto-hide="false" >

By default the dialog will automatically hide when the user selects any of its buttons. To override this behavior, specify auto-hide="false".

When specifying auto-hide="false", you are responsible for hiding the dialog using component.dialog({id:'myId'}).hide().

<dialog id="tc-dialog" title="Terms and conditions" subtext="Do you agree to these Ts and Cs?"
        on-submit="$:agree(true)" on-cancel="$:agree(false)"
        submit-text="Agree" cancel-text="Disagree">
function showTsAndCs() {
    component.dialog({id: "tc-dialog"}).show();

function agree(predicate){
    if (predicate){
        component.dialog({id: "tc-dialog"}).hide();
        // Other success logic here
    } else {
        var ok = confirmDialog('By not agreeing to these terms, you void your warranty.\n
                                Are you sure?');
        if (ok) {
            component.dialog({id: "tc-dialog"}).hide();
            // Other logic here
        // The dialog will not hide and the user may change their selection



Default: unset

Triggered when: The secondary button on a confirmation dialog is selected.

Event parameter: Empty by default. Can be a user-defined variable or field.

Return value: undefined, or the user-defined variable or field

on-cancel is an event that calls a JS/TS $:function or navigation. See more details:

JS/TS Events
<dialog id="use-location" title="Use location Service?" subtext="The app requires access to your location"
        on-submit="$:useLocation(true)" on-cancel="$:useLocation(false)"/>
function askLocation() {
    component.dialog({id: "use-location"}).show();

function useLocation(ok){
    if (ok) {
        // Logic for on-submit here
    } else {
        // Logic for on-cancel here

Specifying on-cancel will change the dialog to a confirmation dialog, with a secondary and primary button.



Default: unset

Triggered when: The primary button (for simple dialogs) or submit button (for multi-button dialogs) on a dialog is selected.

Event parameter: Empty by default. Can be a user-defined variable or field.

Return value: undefined, or the user-defined variable or field.

on-submit is an event that calls a JS/TS $:function or navigation. See more details:

JS/TS Events

See example for on-cancel.

on-submit will not trigger when a simple dialog is dismissable by selecting on the backdrop or the user pressing Esc key.

submit-text and cancel-text


Type: string

Default: The default submit (primary) button text is OK and for confirmation dialogs the default cancel button text is Cancel. These will be translated by default.

<dialog id="tc-dialog" title="Terms and agreements" subtext="Do you agree to these Ts and Cs?" submit-text="Agree" cancel-text="Disagree">

The submit-text and cancel-text attributes allows for changing the default text on the dialog.

Be as specific as possible with button copy to avoid ambiguity. Instead of "Yes", rather repeat the action that a button will trigger - for example "Discard", "Save" or "Reset"

<dialog id="tc-dialog" title="Terms and agreements" subtext="Do you agree to these Ts and Cs?"
        on-submit="$:agree(true)" on-cancel="$:agree(false)"
        submit-text="Agree" cancel-text="Disagree">
function showTsAndCs() {
    component.dialog({id: "tc-dialog"}).show();

function agree(ok){
    if (ok) {
        // Logic here
    } else {
        // Other logic here



Type: string

Default: unset

    title="Job added"
    subtext="Your job with job-id:{$:getJobId()}\nwas added successfully"

Subtext provides more detail to the user about the purpose of the dialog. The subtext attribute can be a format string and it also supports newline characters.

<dialog id="task-added" title="Job added" subtext="Your job with job-id:{$:getJobId()}\nwas added successfully"/>
function onTaskAdded() {
    component.dialog({id: "task-added"}).show();

function getJobId() {
    return view.currentJob.id_code;

Component Methods

The following component methods are available when an id is assigned to the component and component.dialog({id:'my-id'}) is called from JS/TS:


Programmatically scroll until the component is visible in the view.

Last updated