
Also see the implementation guide on Power BI Embedding.

Use this component to embed Power BI reports and dashboards into applications.

View XML Syntax

The component only requires the config attribute to work, while the on-interaction attribute is optional. The $: part is important for the config attribute because it requires a payload to be returned.



A function for getting the authorization and configuration details from CloudCode / external source. Required: true


A function for when a user interacts with report visuals. Required: false


A function to provide the pixel height of the report instead of it being set to the view-port height. Default: View height Required: false


Will display a :arrow-up-small: button in the top-right corner to scroll the view back to the top if the report scrolls slightly out of view. Default: true Required: false


Will display a button that allows the power-bi component use the entire screen. Default: false Required: false

View JS

To assist with the bootstrapping of the <power-bi> component, make use of the powerbi.config helper to handle authentication and configuration. The purpose of this function is to provide a clean abstraction for configuring the Power BI component as well as to manage the caching of authorization tokens. This function can be called as many times as required but will only request/perform authentication when needed. For a more detailed list of options, see the the table below.

function getConfig(){
    // Helper function to get Power BI credentials from CloudCode
    return powerbi.config({
        // The type of Power BI visualization to embed ("report" or "dashboard")
      	type: "<report|dashboard>",
        // The Power BI report ID which can be found on powerbi.com
        // Only required when embedding a report
        report: "<report_id_here>",
        // The Power BI dashboard ID which can be found on powerbi.com
        // Only required when embedding a dashboard
        dashboard: "<dashboard_id_here>",
        // The Power BI workspace ID which can be found on powerbi.com
        workspace: "<report_workspace_id_here>",
      	// How should the report be displayed
        layout: "vertical",
      	// Short-hand for CloudCode task (preferred) ...
      	cctask: '<cloud_code_task>',
      	// ... Or call it manually 
        authenticate: function(reportID, includeUrls){
            return CloudCode.callTask("<cloud_code_task>", {
              biReportId: reportID,
              biReportUrls: includeUrls

powerbi.config fields

Option Name


Type of visualization to embed - "report" or "dashboard". Required: true


The ID of the Power BI Report. Required: true when "type" is "report"


The ID of the Power BI Dashboard. Required: true when "type" is "dashboard"


The ID of the Power BI Workspace. Required: true


Can be one of "vertical" (mobile-portrait mode), "horizontal" (mobile-landscape mode) or "desktop" (desktop landscape mode). Required: true Default: "vertical"


The name of the CloudCode task that will be used to handle authentication. Required: true when "authentication" is not present


A custom function that will be invoked when authentication for the specified report is required. See the table below for exact details on what this function should return. Required: true when "cctask" is not present


Will display a filter pane on the right of the power-bi component. Default: false Required: false


Will display a navigation content pane at the bottom of the power-bi component. Default: true Required: false


Introduced in Runtime version 4.89.5. Further customize the appearance and behavior of the report. Note: Available settings are not maintained by JourneyApps. Use this as a reference of which settings may be supported.

Settings added here will take precedence over any other config setting that affects the same setting e.g. Having both config.navContentPaneEnabled = false and config.settings.navContentPaneEnabled = true will evaluate navContentPaneEnabled as true. Required: false

The return statement in both the getConfig function as well as the authenticate function are both important, and will not work if they are not present.

Here is an example of a recommended getConfig() function:

function getConfig(){
    var mode = "desktop";
    if (journey.device.isPhone) {
        mode = journey.device.isPortrait ? "vertical" : "landscape";
    return powerbi.config({
        type: "report",
        report: "1234-1234-1234-1234-1234",
        workspace: "1234-1234-1234-1234-1234",
        layout: mode,
        cctask: "get_authentication"

Writing a custom authenticate function

In the event where the helper tools cannot be used in CloudCode (or there is some other limitation or constraint), it is possible to provide a custom authenticate function. An example of the function you can use is provided below:

function getConfig(){  
    return powerbi.config({
        type: "report",
        report: "1234-1234-1234-1234-1234",
        layout: "desktop",
        authenticate: function(reportID, includeUrls) {
          // Call a custom web task
          return CloudCode.callTask("custom-auth", {
            reportID: reportID,
            includeUrls: includeUrls

The response of the authentication function should contain at minimum the following schema (which is a combination of two responses from the Power BI API):

    // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/embed-token/dashboards-generate-token-in-group#embedtoken
    "embedToken": {
        "expiration": "{expiration}",
        "token": "{token}",
        "tokenId": "{tokenId}" 
    // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/reports/get-reports
    "reportUrl": {
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "webUrl": "string",
        "embedUrl": "string",
        "datasetId": "string"

Dealing with interaction

When dealing with interaction, make use of the event parameter which contains focused information about what the end-user interacted with regarding the report itself.

function onInteraction(event){

The event object will take the form of:

   // Represents the underlying data
   dataPoints: [
        // Underlying data 
        identity: [
            target: {
              table: "<data_set_name>",
              column: "<data_set_column>"
            equals: "<some_value>"
        // Front-facing data
        values: [
            formattedValue: "<display_value>",
            target: {...}
   // The visual that was clicked
   visual: {
      name: "<name_of_visual>",
      type: "<type_of_visual>"
   // Other data

In the above event payload, the dataPoints field represents the data from the report data-source that was clicked. This will contain fields such as the table name, as well as the column name, but will not contain keys and labels of the report itself. This means that, while the look and the display values of the report can change, the dataPoints will stay consistent as long as the data source is unchanged.

The visual field contains information about the graphic/control that was directly interacted with, including the type of control (eg. "slicer") and the name (eg. "slicer_1234"). Use this field in conjunction with the data points to figure out what was clicked, as well as which data is being interacted with.

Last updated