runtime-build package

TypeScript apps use the @journeyapps/runtime-build package to evaluate types when building an app. This happens as part of a deploy:

The @journeyapps/runtime-build package is updated periodically - typically when new features are added to the JourneyApps Runtime or when type definitions are updated. The latest available version can be seen on our npmjs page.

When upgrading your app's Runtime version it is recommended to also update your app's @journeyapps/runtime-build version:

How to update your app's runtime-build version

This version can be updated in your app's package.json file:

    "devDependencies": {
        "@journeyapps/runtime-build": "^2.3.0"

After updating package.json, run the Update yarn.lock > App package action.

The use of ^ is recommended to ensure that the @journeyapps/runtime-build version is being updated to the latest minor version when updates to package.json are made. Learn more about Semver ranges here.

Minimum @journeyapps/runtime-build version per JourneyApps Runtime version

The minimum @journeyapps/runtime-build version per major and minor JourneyApps Runtime version is documented in the table below:

Last updated