Default: unset
Triggered when: Specific per component. Please see the table below.
Event parameters:
- The current bound valueoldValue
- The current bound value before the changenewValue
- The current bound value after the change
Return value: Specific per component (based on field type). Please see the table below.
is an event that calls a JS/TS $:function
or navigation. See more details:
Component-specific details
The device updates the current location.
Location object, e.g. {latitude: -33.9000764, longitude: 18.8476332, altitude: null, horizontal_accuracy: 23.987, vertical_accuracy: null, timestamp: 2022-05-15T11:28:20.794Z}
Capturing the altitude
and/or vertical_accuracy
is not supported on several platforms / devices, including Android devices. These devices will return null
for these fields.
A file is uploaded, or deleted when in display mode.
Attachment id, or null
if cleared. E.g. {id: 974abd87-d00f-4255-81ac-16fed6d7085a}
A photo is captured or selected from gallery, updated, or deleted when in display mode.
Attachment id, or null
if cleared. E.g. {id: 974abd87-d00f-4255-81ac-16fed6d7085a}
A signature is captured, updated or deleted when in display mode.
Attachment id, or null
if cleared. E.g. {id: 974abd87-d00f-4255-81ac-16fed6d7085a}
A date and time is selected, updated or cleared.
Selected date and time, or null
if cleared. E.g. 2022-05-15T11:28:20.794Z
An item is checked or unchecked.
Array containing the selected values. E.g. [email, sms]
A new selection is made, or the selection is cleared.
Selected object or an array of selected objects, or null
if cleared. E.g. {name: Argentina, population: null}
A new selection is made, or the selection is cleared.
Key of the selected option (string), or null
if cleared. E.g. "purple"
A new selection is made.
Key of the selected option (string), or null
if cleared. E.g. "purple"
Last updated