

Default: unset

Triggered when: Specific per component. Please see the table below.

Event parameters:

  • $value or $object - The current bound value

  • oldValue - The current bound value before the change

  • newValue - The current bound value after the change

Return value: Specific per component (based on field type). Please see the table below.

on-change is an event that calls a JS/TS $:function or navigation. See more details:

JS/TS Events

Component-specific details

Triggered when
Return value

The device updates the current location.

Location object, e.g. {latitude: -33.9000764, longitude: 18.8476332, altitude: null, horizontal_accuracy: 23.987, vertical_accuracy: null, timestamp: 2022-05-15T11:28:20.794Z}


Capturing the altitude and/or vertical_accuracy is not supported on several platforms / devices, including Android devices. These devices will return null for these fields.

A file is uploaded, or deleted when in display mode.

Attachment id, or null if cleared. E.g. {id: 974abd87-d00f-4255-81ac-16fed6d7085a}

A photo is captured or selected from gallery, updated, or deleted when in display mode.

Attachment id, or null if cleared. E.g. {id: 974abd87-d00f-4255-81ac-16fed6d7085a}

A signature is captured, updated or deleted when in display mode.

Attachment id, or null if cleared. E.g. {id: 974abd87-d00f-4255-81ac-16fed6d7085a}

A date is selected, updated or cleared.

Selected date, or null if cleared. E.g. 2022-05-15

A date and time is selected, updated or cleared.

Selected date and time, or null if cleared. E.g. 2022-05-15T11:28:20.794Z

An item is checked or unchecked.

Array containing the selected values. E.g. [email, sms]

A new selection is made, or the selection is cleared.

Selected object or an array of selected objects, or null if cleared. E.g. {name: Argentina, population: null}

A row is selected.

Selected object, E.g. {name: Argentina, population: null}

A barcode is scanned.

String containing the scanned barcode. E.g. "ZQ222-TH678"

A new selection is made, or the selection is cleared.

Key of the selected option (string), or null if cleared. E.g. "purple"

A new selection is made.

Key of the selected option (string), or null if cleared. E.g. "purple"

Text is entered, updated or cleared.

String containing the entered text. E.g. "purple"

The toggle state is updated.

true or false


<capture-photo bind="my_photo" on-change="$:callEvent($value, oldValue, newValue)" source="any" resolution="small" downloadable="true" />
function callEvent(currentValue, oldValue, newValue) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(currentValue), JSON.stringify(oldValue), JSON.stringify(newValue));
    // Example:
    // {"id":"16af8e07-e181-4bdc-a6d7-f3841d0959b7"} {"id":"00cef6fb-0476-40a7-9ec5-f2222d2d7972"} {"id":"16af8e07-e181-4bdc-a6d7-f3841d0959b7"}

Last updated