
Version compatibility

  • journey.sensors was introduced in version 4.85.0 of the JourneyApps Runtime and version 22.4.1 of the JourneyApps Container.

  • Currently only supported on Android and iOS.

Returns information about the device's accelerometer, compass and orientation data.

Supported fields


To retrieve a device's supported sensor capabilities.

var capabilities = await journey.sensors.getCapabilities();
view.accelerometer_supported = capabilities.accelerometerIsSupported;
view.compass_supported = capabilities.compassIsSupported;
view.orientation_supported = capabilities.orientationIsSupported;

Returns accelerometer data captured at a specific point in time.

Acceleration values include the effect of gravity (9.81 m/s^2), so that when a device lies flat and facing up, x, y, and z values returned should be 0, 0, and 9.81.

Properties returned:

  • x: Number value

  • y: Number value

  • z: Number value

  • timestamp: Unix Timestamp when sample was taken


Listeners supply an onData callback which will be invoked with the data argument set to the same format as a read function call. The onError callback will be called on an error condition, if called, no subsequent onData callbacks are executed. The argument provided to the onError function is a string error message.

Listener options:

Currently the only option supported for all sensors is the sampling period in milliseconds.

export interface ListenerOptions {
    periodMs: number;


watchRemover = journey.sensors.accelerometer.registerListener(
    function onData(result) {
        // Do something with result here, e.g.   
        var listenerTimestamp = result.timestamp.toString();
    function onError(error) {
        console.log('Received error', error);
        periodMs: 1000

Returns compass data captured at a specific point in time.

Properties returned:

  • magneticHeading: The heading in degrees from 0-359.99 at a single moment in time. (Number)

  • trueHeading: The heading relative to the geographic North Pole in degrees 0-359.99 at a single moment in time. A negative value indicates that the true heading can't be determined. (Number)

  • headingAccuracy: The deviation in degrees between the reported heading and the true heading. (Number)

  • timestamp: Unix Timestamp when sample was taken


See accelerometer.registerListener()

Returns the orientation of a device with angles measured along a specific reference frame. See here for good depictions of the angles.

Properties returned:

  • alpha: Number value

  • beta: Number value

  • gamma: Number value

  • timestamp: Unix Timestamp when sample was taken


See accelerometer.registerListener()

Example Code

The below example code shows a view that allows a user to read and start/stop watching accelerometer data. The returned data saved to LocalDB objects and is presented in tables.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <model name="data_row" label="Local: Data Row">
        <field name="key" label="Key" type="text" />
        <field name="value" label="Value" type="text" />
        <display>{key}: {value}</display>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<view title="Accelerometer" on-back="stopWatch">
    <var name="read_timestamp" type="text" />
    <var name="listener_timestamp" type="text" />
    <var name="read_results" type="array:data_row" />
    <var name="watch_results" type="array:data_row" />
    <var name="watch_period_ms" type="number" />
    <var name="is_watching" type="boolean" />

    <button label="Read Sensor" on-press="read" validate="false" />
    <object-table show-if="read_results" label="Single Result {read_timestamp}" query="read_results" empty-message="Your items will appear here">
        <column heading="Field" fit="shrink">{key}</column>
        <column heading="Value m/s^2">{value}</column>

    <heading>Watch Sensor</heading>
    <text-input label="Sample period (ms)" bind="watch_period_ms" required="true" />
    <button hide-if="is_watching" label="Watch Acceleration" on-press="watch" validate="true" />
    <button show-if="is_watching" label="Stop watching" on-press="stopWatch" validate="false" />
    <object-table show-if="watch_results" label="Watched Result {listener_timestamp}" query="watch_results" empty-message="Your items will appear here">
        <column heading="Field" fit="shrink">{key}</column>
        <column heading="Value m/s^2">{value}</column>

// This function is called when the app navigates to this view (using a link)
function init() {
    // initialize any data here that should be available when the view is shown
    view.watch_period_ms = 1000;

// This function is called when the user returns to this view from another view
function resume(from) { }
function read() {
    // For accelerometer data use journey.sensors.accelerometer
    // For compass data use journey.sensors.compass
    // For orientation data use journey.sensors.orientation
    var result =;
    view.read_results = Object.keys(result).map(function (key) {
        return LocalDB.data_row.create({
            key: key,
            value: result[key]
    view.read_timestamp = result.timestamp.toString();

var watchRemover;
function watch() {
    // For accelerometer data use journey.sensors.accelerometer
    // For compass data use journey.sensors.compass
    // For orientation data use journey.sensors.orientation
    watchRemover = journey.sensors.accelerometer.registerListener(
        function onData(result) {
            if (view.watch_results && view.watch_results.length) {
       (item) { item.destroy() });
            view.watch_results = Object.keys(result).map(function (key) {
                return LocalDB.data_row.create({
                    key: key,
                    value: result[key]
            view.listener_timestamp = result.timestamp.toString();
        function onError(error) {
            console.log('Received error', error);
            periodMs: view.watch_period_ms
    view.is_watching = true;

function stopWatch() {
    if (watchRemover) {
        watchRemover = null;
    view.is_watching = false;

Last updated