Configure Testing Deployments


You can specify your default testing deployment for an app, or a specific branch on an app. This is the deployment that changes are deployed to when performing a global deploy (CTRL+S / CMD+S) or when performing the Deploy to testing action in OXIDE. This allows you to keep long-lived testing deployments during development and fully control to which testing deployment a branch is linked.


Testing deployments can be configured for an app (as your default testing deployment) or can be overwritten on a branch level.

Testing deployments are scoped to the developer. This means that each developer should configure their own global and/or branch level testing deployments for an app.

Default testing deployment

Your global default testing deployment can be configured by means of the Set my default testing deployment action in OXIDE. This sets the default testing deployment for all existing branches (where the testing deployment has not been overwritten) and any new branches created for the app.

When new applications are created, a single Testing deployment is also created. OXIDE automatically sets this deployment as your default testing deployment for the entire application.

Your default testing deployment is displayed within IDE Settings in OXIDE.

IDE Settings

Overwrite the default testing deployment for a branch

Branches can be linked to specific testing deployments (thus, overwriting the default testing deployment for that branch). This can be achieved by the Set my testing deployment for active branch action in OXIDE.

Create new branches

When a new branch is created a testing deployment can be defined for the branch in one of the following ways:

  1. Keep the branch linked to your default testing deployment. Keep the “Create and link a new deployment” option unchecked to achieve this.

  2. Create a new testing deployment and link it to the branch. Check the “Create and link a new deployment” option to achieve this and follow the on-screen prompts.

  3. Link the branch to an existing testing deployment. Keep the “Create and link a new deployment” option unchecked and then see the section above on overwriting the default testing deployment for a branch.

Example: Suggested developer workflow

Since every developer has full control over testing deployment configuration, any personalized or team-wide workflow should be supported. A suggested workflow looks as follows:

  • Each developer creates and maintains their own testing deployment and sets it as their default for deploying to testing. Any new feature branches will automatically deploy to this deployment. E.g. Testing - Joe

  • The app has a shared branch that finalized features get merged into, as well as a dedicated testing deployment for this branch. Each developer overwrites this branch's testing deployment to this dedicated deployment. Depending on your workflow, this could be a branch called develop with a corresponding deployment called Testing - Develop. This deployment could have more representative datasets to test for performance.

  • When a developer wants to review and/or work on a feature branch created by a second developer, they can choose to either use their personal testing deployment for this or overwrite the branch's testing deployment to a deployment recommended by the second developer.


What happens when I change the default testing deployment?

All existing branches that are linked to the default testing deployment will be linked to the new default testing deployment. Any new branches will be linked to the new default testing deployment unless this is overwritten for a specific branch.

Will I be able to deploy the app without a testing deployment defined for my branch?

No, your branch must be linked to a testing deployment in order to deploy any updates. Your deploy will result in an error if this is not the case and you will be prompted to set up a testing deployment.

Known Limitations

  • For apps with Revisions only (i.e. not git enabled), the Set my default testing deployment and Set my testing deployment for active branch actions have the same outcome, since only one branch exists for these apps.

  • You can only choose deployments in the testing environment as your testing deployment.

Last updated