3. OXIDE IDE Overview

In this section we will cover the basic components of the JourneyApps online IDE, OXIDE, where developers build applications.

Simple vs advanced mode

OXIDE supports two user modes, Simple and Advanced, where Advanced mode provides the developer additional configuration and functionality.

Examples of additional functionality in Advanced mode:

  • You can manage the trays in your workspaces, collapse and expand them, add and remove panels, even add additional trays.

  • You can have more than 2 editor panes open at any time.

To switch modes, simply access your Profile settings in the toolbar on the top right corner and select "Switch to advanced IDE mode" or "Switch to simple IDE mode", or find these via the Command Palette (ctrl+shift+p on Windows or cmd+shift+p on MacOS).

For this tutorial we will mostly be focussing on Simple mode.

Component Overview

It is important to become familiar with the main components of OXIDE (marked in the images below).

  • Editor Panes - These are where you used edit and interact with your app's code.

  • Panels - These display specific bits of information in an interactive but mostly read-only component.

  • Trays - These hold and display a collection of panels. Can be expanded or collapsed.

  • Workspaces and Workspace Tabs - A pre-configured logical collection of trays, panels and editor panes that are used to make working on a specific part of your application as easy as possible.

  • Footer - Displays diagnostic information about your applications

  • Test App - Allows you to configure a test device to continuously test your application while you develop.

  • Dashboard - This icon takes you to your OXIDE dashboard where you can review and switch between apps and organizations.

  • Organization and App Switcher - This is a quick way to switch between apps and organizations, without returning to your dashboard.

  • Toolbar - Here you can access the IDE's search functionality and various settings collections.

  • Command palette - You can open the command palette with a simple keyboard shortcut, and then access just about anything you need to do with your application.

For further details about each component, please see this section.

Resetting Your Workspaces / Preferences

In the event that you find yourself in a position where your OXIDE workspaces do not look like the defaults anymore and you have no idea how to get them back to how they were, then you may want to consider "Resetting your workspace" or even "Resetting your preferences". These actions restore OXIDE default settings and layouts.

Reset preferences

To reset your preferences, access the "Reset preferences" action from the command palette (ctrl+shift+p / cmd+shift+p). This will reset shortcuts, and other IDE settings, like IDE mode, to their default values. This will not reset your workspaces by default unless you also opt to "Reset your workspaces" from the prompt that will follow a successful "Reset your preferences" action.

Reset workspaces

To reset your workspaces, access the "Reset workspaces" action from the command palette (ctrl+shift+p / cmd+shift+p). This will reset all the workspaces to their default values layout. This will not reset any shortcuts or other IDE settings.

For further details about OXIDE, see these docs.

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