JourneyApps Container v4.15

We're excited to announce the release of v4.15 of the JourneyApps Container, the first container release of 2017!

Version 4.15 includes the following improvements:

  • Action Sheets are here! This is a major UX improvement for app users. Now developers will be able to configure lists of options in a very elegant way for end users. Action sheets are specified in in the JS of the app, similar to confirmDialog(). Because of this, it is possible to trigger Action Sheets from any kind of list, or even buttons. That said, it was intended for Object Tables and Object Lists, where you want to give a user multiple options after clicking on an object (e.g. Open, Edit, Delete) instead of being limited to large menus with buttons on every view. Action sheets will look subtly different on each of our supported platforms so that it suits the native look and feel. The docs can be found here.

  • A sibling features to the new Action Sheets, we have included the ability to specify the icon displayed in object-table and object-list components. The primary use case for this is to make it easier for app users to see the difference between lists that trigger navigation and those that trigger an Action Sheet. Currently, there are only two whitelisted icons (from the Ionicon icon font suite) that can be used: ion-chevron-right, and ion-more. The default for lists when no icon is specified will be the chevron icon.

  • We have developed the ability to integrate JourneyApps solutions with the hardware barcode scanners for Unitech PA700 devices. This functionality is in Alpha, which means that the functionality is being actively tested and improved. The usage documentation for barcode scanning can be found in Hardware Barcode Scanning.


  • added: Action Sheets for apps!

  • added: Updated default and configurable icons for tags in lists

  • added: Alpha: Hardware barcode scanning compatibility for Unitech devices.

  • improved: Resetting and revoking users has been improved

  • known: Re-enrolling on the Chrome Container shows an error. Restarting the container fixes the problem.

Last updated