JourneyApps Runtime v4.72.2

Fixes issues and regressions in v4.72.2 for date-input, object-table's button-group and columns.

We're happy to announce that v4.72.2 of the JourneyApps Runtime has been released. You can use this version of the runtime by selecting it from the list of stable runtime versions under App Settings/Version Management.


It fixes issues and regression in v4.72.2 for date-input, object-table's button-group and columns:

  • A date-input bound to datetime variable or field will correctly capture a date.

  • Scrolling issue on iOS when selecting outside of a edit-cell in object-table.

  • Columns component will correctly switch to single column on tablet sized screens.

  • Improvements to spacing and sizing of button-group when used inside an object-table.

  • Fixes input components styling inconsistencies.

  • Improvement to initial placement of filter dialog and date picker.

Last updated