We're enabling ATS on the iOS JourneyApps Container

Last year Apple announced a security feature for iOS called Application Transport Security (ATS). This feature will eventually enforce HTTPS for all network requests. Although the JourneyApps container already uses HTTPS for all communications with our backend, it’s possible for a developer to use the fetch() function to create insecure HTTP requests. Once enabled, all HTTP fetch() requests will fail unless they’re updated to make use of HTTPS.

Although Apple has postponed their initial deadline at the end of 2016, they still have plans to enforce this for all applications running on iOS. In addition, sending requests over HTTP opens up security vulnerabilities.

JourneyApps has, therefore, decided to activate ATS for the JourneyApps Container starting on 14 August 2017.

To prevent any disruption to your iOS users, please ensure that all existing fetch calls make use of HTTPS before the 14 August deadline.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns at support@journeyapps.com.

Last updated