list (legacy docs)

These list docs are out of date

New functionality and features were added to list in version 4.84.0 of the JourneyApps Runtime. Please refer to the latest docs here.

Version compatibility

list was introduced in version 4.29.0 of the JourneyApps Container.

This component should be used whenever you have a list of items that need to be used to navigate the user to another page, whether it’s a menu on the main view, a list of employees that need to get inspected and managed, or a list of messages or notifications that need to be viewed or read. Since it’s so customizable, you can adapt this component to look suitable for whatever you need to use it for.

Basic structure

list contains one or many list-item nodes.

    <list-item .. />
    <list-item .. />
    <list-item .. />

A list-item can be defined as either static (for basic usage) or dynamically (will repeat itself for each item in a query). A simple static list will be defined as:

    <list-item content="Accept" />
    <list-item content="Reject" />
    <list-item content="More info" />

While a dynamic list will be defined as:

    <list-item query="my_query" content="{title}" />

You can also mix dynamic and static list items together such as:

    <list-item content="More info" />
    <list-item query="my_query" content="{title}" />
    <list-item content="Accept" />
    <list-item content="Reject" />

Doing so allows for the creation of complex menu-like structures that contain the flow of navigation.

list-item syntax

list-item tags can be represented as either shorthand (perfect for quick and common use cases) or longhand (for more complicated use cases). In shorthand mode, you can simply add attributes such as content="test" on a list-item while in longhand mode you can nest a <content>test</content> tag inside the list-item.


    <list-item content="More info" />


        <content>More Info</content>

Shorthand and longhand can be combined:

<list-item header="My header">
    <pills list="$:getMyPills()" />

Examples of all properties

<!-- The presence of `query` makes the list dynamic -->
<!-- The presence of `bind` makes the list selectable -->
<list-item query="my_query" bind="my_var">

    <!-- or -->

    <!-- or -->

    <!-- or -->
    <footer>{formatString} </footer>

    <asset icon="my-icon-name" />
    <!-- or -->
    <asset src="{formatString}" />
    <!-- or -->
    <asset src="{}" /> <!-- Supported from v4.31 of the JourneyApps Container -->

    <accent color="positive" label="Label" />
    <!-- or -->
    <accent color="$:getColor()" label="{formatString}" />
    <!-- or -->
    <accent color="{formatString}" label="Label" />

    <!-- The presence of `action` makes the list clickable -->
    <!-- In dynamic list, you can pass the selected item via $selection -->
    <action icon="my-icon-name" on-press="clickedFunction" />
    <!-- or -->
    <action icon="my-icon-name" on-press="$:clickedFunction()" />
    <!-- or -->
    <action icon="my-icon-name" on-press="doSomething($selection)" />

    <pills list="$:getList()">
        <!-- or -->
        <pill color="positive" label="Label" show-if="$:condition()" hide-if="$:condition()"/>
        <pill color="$:getColor()" label="{formatString}" show-if="$:condition()" hide-if="$:condition()"/>
        <pill color="{formatString}" label="{formatString}"/>

Full list of supported shorthand properties



Lists support the <action> tag, making it clickable.

In dynamic lists, the current item is passed through to the `on-click` as `$selection`, e.g. `on-click="doSomething($selection)"`

The <action> tag has the following configuration:


<pills> appear next to the header of an item. They can be used to convey status-like information about the item in a dynamic and colorful way. Pills can either be declared in the view XML (Static pills) or in the view JS (Dynamic pills)

Static Pills

    <pill label="Status" color="positive" show-if="$:shouldShowPill()" />

Dynamic Pills

Alternatively, you can return an array of pills from the view JS. e.g.

<pills list="$:getMyPills()" />
function getMyPills() {
    return [
        {label: "Pill 1", color: "negative"},
        {label: "Pill 2", color: "info"}

Note: Returned pill objects only have label and color attributes. All returned objects will show as pills.

function getMyPills(obj) {
    var myPills = [];
    if (obj.status == 'In progress') {
            label: "In progress",
            color: "info"
    if (!obj.recently_updated) {
            label: "Needs attention",
            color: "warning"
    return myPills;

Static lists

Example 1: Menu

Tip: Use a list instead of a menu with a lot of button elements inside of it. list is a lot more compact and more familiar to the user than a long list of buttons.

    <list-item header="Home" icon="ion-home" on-press="$:goToHome()" on-press-icon="ion-chevron-right" />
    <list-item header="Back" icon="ion-back" on-press="$:goBack()" on-press-icon="ion-chevron-right" />

Without using short-hand syntax, declaring the above menu looks like this:

        <header> Home </header>
        <asset icon="ion-home" />
        <action icon="ion-chevron-right" on-press="$:goToHome()" />
        <header> Back </header>
        <asset icon="ion-home" />
        <action icon="ion-ios-arrow-back" on-press="$:goBack()" />

Dynamic lists

    <list-item query="my_query">
        <header> {name} </header>
        <content> Click here for more info on {name} </content>
        <accent color="{color}" />
        <action icon="ion-chevron-right" on-press="$:show($selection)" />

Static & Dynamic lists

        <header> New User </header>
        <content> Click here to create a new user </content>
        <accent color="positive" />
        <action icon="ion-chevron-right" on-press="createNewUser" />
    <list-item query="my_users">
        <header> {name} </header>
        <content> Click here for more info on {name} </content>
        <accent color="info" />
        <action icon="ion-more" on-press="show($selection)" />

Last updated